Tutorial: Part 1

In part one of our tutorial, we’ll be creating a ResourceModel to interact with a simple Tastypie Django site. Tastypie is a third party Django app that makes creating to-spec REST APIs. Because of this, it’s the perfect match to write our first ResourceModel, as it will require only a little fine tuning.

Step 0: Writing our API

Our API will closely match the one inferred to in Quickstart. Feel free to write your own as you follow along with this tutorial, but if you’d like to just use ours, the source code is available here

Step 1: Writing a basic ResourceModel

Let’s start by writing a very basic ResourceModel and going through it’s parts:

from nap import ResourceModel, Field, ResourceField

class Note(ResourceModel):

    title = Field(default='new title')
    content = Field()

    pk = Field(api_name='id', resource_id=True)

    class Meta:
        root_url = ''
        resource_name = 'note'

We have a few things to note here:

  • Two normal Fields, title and content. On any lookup field nap does, these will simple load whatever value the API returns for attributes with the same names. If the fields are not present, the Note object will be loaded with their default value (a blank string by default, or ‘new title’ in the case of title)

  • A field pk with two special keyword arguments, api_name and resource_id
    • api_name allows you to refer to a API variable by a different name on the object than what the API uses. In this case, a attribute on the API data called ‘id’ will be preferred to by a python attribute pk
    • resource_id designates this field as the primary identifier for the object. This is used in issuing API requests to URLs that require an id (such as the default URL for update() and get()). It is also used to help represent the object in it’s __unicode__() method.
  • the Meta class. This is the primary way to tweak and configure your ResourceModel. This one is pretty sparse, and contains the two primary options of a Meta class:
    • root_url - This is a full base URL of your API. All requests to your API will be prefaced with this setting.
    • resource_name - The primary name of your resource class. This is used to construct all default URLs. For this class, this option is not necessary – if left out of the Meta class, resource_name defaults to the name of the class in all lowercase – but it never hurts to be explicit!

That’s quite a lot! Feel free to quick through the in-links above to find out more about each option, but there’s no need to dive in too deeply yet.

Step 2: Using your ResourceModel

Our API is empty right now (assuming you haven’t added data manually), so let’s add a new Note:

>>> n = Note(title="A New Note!")
>>> n.content = "Daniel Lindsley rocks da house"
>>> n.save()

There! We’ve now created our first object in our API, and can retrieve it by it’s id:

>>> n = Note(pk=1)
>>> print n.title  # "A New Note!"

Remember, since we used api_name on the pk Field in our ResourceModel definition, we use pk to look up a value that the API refers to as id

We can also update and save this resource:

>>> n.title = "Let's use a new title"
>>> n.save()

And a PUT is issues to our API, updating our record.

Note that we had to re-fetch our Note in order to properly have access to it’s pk attribute. When we issued the create command, we weren’t able to update our Note with information calculated by the API itself (such as it’s ID, and created/updated timestamps). If we need to make many of these kind of creates and don’t mind the cost of an extra request, refreshing the object after a create may be beneficial. Our next step will go into a few ways we can handle that.

Step 3: Finer customization

By default, Tastypie APIs respond to a POST request with 201 response with a Location header pointing to the new resource’s URL. By default, nap will automatically set the value of the Location header as the Note object’s full_url, so any further updates should work. However, because Tastypie by default does not return a serialized representation of the object, we can’t get updated information without issuing a second GET request.

There are several ways we could address this:

  • Set the Tastypie Resource Meta setting always_return_data to True. By default, if the 201 response after a create issues has content, Nap will attempt to update itself based on that content. However, since this is a nap tutorial and not a Tastypie tutorial, let’s say we don’t have access to change the API at hand.
  • Manually Refresh the object. After saving the object, we could call refresh(), which issues a GET request to update our fields based on what the API has. But this seems a little overly manual, no?
  • Subclass and extend the handle_create_response() method to automatically refresh after create if we have no content.

Not only does this sound like the best method, it also gives us an excuse to show how easy it is to extend ResourceModel.

from nap import ResourceModel, Field, ResourceField

class Note(ResourceModel):

    title = Field(default='new title')
    content = Field()

    pk = Field(api_name='id', resource_id=True)

    class Meta:
        root_url = ''
        resource_name = 'note'

    def handle_create_response(self, response):
        super(Note, self).handle_create_response(response)
        if not response.content:

We call the parent handle_create_response to let it handle the default behavior (eg, setting of full_url), then if we don’t have any content to go off of, refresh the object. Now our create process is seemless:

>>> n = Note(title='what up')
>>> n.save()  # Issues a POST to /api/v1/note/
>>> print n.pk  # 6
>>> n.content = 'some content'
>>> n.save()  # Issues a PUT to /api/v1/note/6/

And there we have it! A feature-full interface to our REST API.

In the next step, We’ll go into handling a REST-like, but slightly off spec, REST API with some further tweaks.

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